Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Throne of Fire

                               Review by: Max P

 Have you ever wanted to know what happens when you are a Egyptian magician or being a host for a god? Then this book is for you.  The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordran has two main protagonists, brother and sister, Sadie and Carter Kane. Sadie used to stay with her grandparents while Carter traveled with his dad around the world. Then one day changed their lives forever. They have to defeat the chaos that was unleashed. They need to get as much help as they can to stop the chaos, even help from the gods of Egypt. This book takes you around the world, also ancient places as well. This book will make you read it until you finish.  This book will make you think how life was like in Ancient Egypt in this book. this book gave great details on some of the places they talk about. One thing that might also be interesting is that they change perspective from Sadie's point of view to Carter's and back.

The Throne of Fire  is a good book for everyone. The book shows symbols in Egyptian and in the back of the book it explains what it does or what it is. The book explains what roles gods play in the book and how they are affected. The Throne of Fire reminds me of never giving up no matter what the stakes are. Since in the book Carter and Sadie face a deadline that comes up really fast and it seems impossible but Sadie and Carter don’t give up and try no matter what faces them. The reason why I liked this book is that it is a historical book that goes back in Ancient Egypt ways for some people, but for the background it is in modern times. Also how they try and unite three pieces of The book or Ra to save the order of Ma’at (justice).That is why I like the book The Throne of Fire. (This book is part of a series and is the second book).

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