Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Waiting for normal By: Leslie Connor

Review By: James D. 

Addison is living in the trailer she and her mom got from her stepfather for many nights. Alone. Addison lives with her irresponsible mother in present day upstate New York. Addison’s stepfather Dwight is her favorite person in the whole world. But Addison’s mother breaks up with Dwight and is living in his house, jobless. For a couple of nights while Dwight is away, Addison’s mother leaves, and Addison is alone with her little sisters, Brianna and Kate. After Dwight finds out about this, he gains custody of Brianna and Kate and Addison is alone with her mom, and Dwight moves them into a trailer. Addison’s mom is gone a lot.
Honorable Mention
  • Bamboo People


  1. Amazing. Job well done. Nothing to change. -James

  2. This book seems really interesting! I remember a few years ago starting this book but not finishing it... I think I'll start reading it again! Great job!
