Tuesday, June 25, 2013

James Walter
June 23, 2013
Plague by Michael Grant
Reviewed by James Walter

Kids, abandoned by their parents by a mysterious cause.  They are fighting among each other for survival.  Now there is a sickness traveling through the setting of Perdido Beach, Florida.  The protagonist, Sam, struggles to find water and is out of the town when a psychopath named drake is tracking down him and the rest of the people who run the Fallout  Alley Youth Zone or FAYZ.the conflict in the story is that the kids of the FAYZ are facing many problems that come up behind them.

I did not like this book because this is the only book in the series were the main character is away from the setting. Also Sam is not involved in the conflict until about ¾ of the way through the book. This book and entire gone series has showed me what life would be like without adult.

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