Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Buried By Linda Joy Singleton

Review By: Aaseia A.

The book Buried is about a girl named Beth Ann or as she liked to be called; Thorn because she’s Goth. The setting of the book is in Nevada. Thorn has recently moved into Nevada with a big family because her mom got a job as a minister their local church. Thorn has several secrets, and one of them is that she’s psychic. One day, she was standing in her school auditorium and she finds a cheap-looking, heart-shaped locket. The problem begins when she opens the locket and a small black curl of hair falls out, and suddenly, Thorn gets the feeling that the black curl of hair belongs to a dead body. Will Thorn figure out the story behind the black curl of hair or will the mystery be left unsolved forever?

 I liked this book because it was really mysterious and at the end of ever chapter, it left you at a hook which kind of made you want to read the book even more to see what's going to happen next. This book reminds me of any mystery book in general, because like most authors, Linda, the author did a very good job leaving the end of every chapter with a hook. This book sort of helped me understand how people are very precious and shouldn't be thrown away like they're nothing. I recommend this book to anybody who likes to read mystery books.


1 comment:

  1. "Will Thorn figure out the story behind the black curl of hair or will the mystery be left unsolved forever?" . Now I just have to read it. You gave me no choice. You have made it sound very intense, and interesting.
