Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cryer's Cross By; Lisa McMann *Review by;AvaBryce*

In a small town you would expect for nothing bad to happen. Your wrong. Cryer's Cross is anything but normal. Kendall was not used to being frightened. She was used to the small town life but with big dreams. Curses, murders, missing boyfriends, new sketchy characters, and you don't know how far the towns people will go to bury there secrets. Dreams were crushed. People were missing. 35 ... 100 ... Nothing good happens when your alone.. Scary, thrilling, page turner.


  1. I really liked the ending to the book review. The suspence was great. I wonder what happened in the end? This is deffinitly going to be a great read and maybe I will read it sometime.

    -Nicole F.

  2. i liked this review very much, it make's me want to buy the book and read it. I liked the way you wrote this and the way you didn't give away to much information.

  3. Really good book, from the sounds of it. I'm defenetley going to read this book, as soon as you lend me it again. sounds very mystierouse and i love it ! AMAZING!!.

    ps: guess who i am i near you smileing :)

  4. From what I have read, this book will be amazing. As your last few words were "Scary, Thriller, page turner."Those are my favorite type of books. Your word choice was amazing, it added more suspense. Be right back, going to go get a copy of this book.
