Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Found by Margret Peterson Haddix

BY: Sanan Rafiq
The  plane came into the airport not recognized. Only two people saw the plane. When I entered the plane all I saw was darkness. Then I blinked, for I second I thought I was dreaming but I rubbed my eyes and it was still there. A man taking his bags out and a bunch of babies in every single seat of the airplane. I ran out of the airplane. Then looked back and there was nothing. Not knowing where the plane was I looked around. Then realizing that the plane had vanished.

    The story Found is set in the twenty first century. The main protagonist in the book is Jonah a thirteen year old  boy who is adopted and finds out that his friend Chip is also adopted. Jonah and Chip  are out to investigate where there from and find out many weird things on there investigation. They find many weird thing like ghosts, people from the future, and people and items disappearing. The book is mysterious and funny at the same time. I recommend reading this book if you like mysteries.   


  1. Sounds very interesting. It makes me curious on what happens to those babies, and where they had come from. I am also curious on how the plain vanished. I'm not sure if it is the best book for me, but sounds very inserting for someone who likes a good book about mysteries.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your review of "Found". Reading your review I thought that the babies that the man took out of his bag really piqued my interest the most. I recently read "Among the hidden" by Margaret Peterson Haddix also. From your review I find that both of our books are similar because they both have the same mysterious atmosphere. Your review makes me want to pick up the book next time I go to the library!
