Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart

What's going to happen? All they wanted was to save their friends. Now they've all been captured. Are they going to make it out alive? In the book The Perilous Journey 4 kids named Reynie, Kate, Sticky and Constance travel across the world in search of their two best friends Mr. Benidict and Number 2 and you'll never guess who captured them. It was Mr. Benidict's evil twin brother Mr. Curtain. Now the kids have to travel around the world hopping to find their friends even when their own life is at risk as well.

I liked this book because it had so many twist's and turns. One problem get's solved and a new one hatches. The theme of this book is adventurous because they are only kids and their going from place to place around the world, alone. There is no grown up to help them. This book reminds me of real life because they are only kids. The story is life like but the kids are doing so much more. To find out what happens read The Perilous Journey. Review by Talene P.


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    1. I agree. Talene, the animoto music and template fits your video very well. I am definatly reading this book! Thanks so much for this. Good Job! -Joey
