Thursday, June 7, 2012

Addie on the Inside Book Review

Addie On The Inside Book Response
By: Natasia Maniatis

    Addie On The Inside, By: James Howe is about a girl my age (12) and her name is Addie.  She has some guy friends she likes to hang out with, but the thing is... only like two of the boys are gay.  And a popular girl that used to be her friend is very mean to her ever since she moved away and came back.  But the popular girl teases Addie because she hangs out with gay people.  But Addie is dating a popular guy, and she thinks it will make her popular a little bit, but it doesn’t.  Addie and her boyfriend have broken up so many times the last one is forever.  The problem is that the people she used to hang out with are mean to her, and make fun of her for being friends with gay people at a young age.  It is not Addie’s fault that gay people like her for who she is and not somebody else.
    This book reminds me of bullying with a happy ending because the way kids or adults are treating each other now a days and it’s not very nice.  The big idea the book helps me understand is to be yourself, and not someone else because if you be yourself then people will like you, but if you try to be someone else then kids will gossip or tease you.
    I liked this book because you don’t know what will happen next.  The book was the genre I like to read, so I don’t know if some people will like the book but that’s okay.

1 comment:

  1. I like how the music went with the mood. It's a calm yet sad song. I like your pictures and all of the quotes that you added!
