Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Miracle on 49th Street by Mike Lupica

Reviewed by Frankie H.

   When Molly has no mother left, she is determined to tell her father that she’s his daughter.  One problem though, Molly’s father Josh Cameron is the starting forward for the Boston Celtics.  Plus, Molly has a limited amount of time to tell her dad because she’ll be moving with her friend to Los Angeles after Christmas.  When Molly finds her dad and tells him the news he doesn't believe her.  But when he eventually starts to believe her that she’s his daughter she gets mad at him for not believing her in the first place.  So in a way the tables are turned.  But will they settle things and live happily ever after?  And will Molly stay in Boston?
   I loved this book because for one thing, this takes place in Boston, where I live.  But I also loved this book because Josh kept going back to try get Molly to stay with him in Boston and to live with her and to love her.  This reminds of how when my mom and me have an argument and I kepp going back to her to try to say sorry and make up.  If you love books with a situation that Molly and Josh is in and a splendid ending, then this book is for you!


  1. This book is really good!!! And so is the book review!

  2. I really want to read this book based on the book reveiew you made on animoto. The graphics are really good and they match the story!-Elsie P.

  3. This book sound good I think your animoto was great also.

  4. Good review Frankie now I want to read the book

  5. I really like how you didn't give to much information away about your book, but still gave enough so I could know about the book. I am very interested in reading this book after seeing this review.
