Friday, June 8, 2012

Remember Me to Harold Square by Paula Danziger

Remember Me to Harold Square by Paula Danziger is the ultimate teen sensation! Kendra Kaye is a girl from New York City who lives with her parents and annoying little brother Oscar. She isn’t really looking forward to this summer because all of her friends will be out of town doing exciting things while she’s stuck in New York City for the whole summer with Oscar. One thing her parents haven’t mentioned to her is that a fifteen year old boy named Frank that Kendra has never met, is coming to stay with them for the whole summer! Kendra gets nervous and wonders what he will be like. Will Frank be annoying like Oscar? Or will she fall in love with him? Who knows?! One other thing Kendra doesn’t know yet is that her parents have planned a scavenger hunt. The kids have to run all around New York City and visit its great sites! At the end of the summer, what will Kendra and Frank turn out to be? Just friends or maybe even more than that? Who knows?! Read this magnificent book to find out!

I liked this book because it sounded very interesting so I read it and fell in love with it, just like Kendra fell in love with Frank. I’ve always wanted to read a book that has to do with a teen love story over the summer. And now that I’ve read it. I want to read more! I think the genre of this book is young adult because it really is meant for young adults. I think young adults will understand this book better because children haven’t been in that stage yet and adults have but a long time ago so they might not know what our generation of kids are like. All in all, I think this book is a great book for anyone that wants to read about summer love, boys, and an annoying little brother who turns out to actually be a fun little brother so read this book. I guarantee you that you will love reading this book. You won’t regret it!
By Annie Pepanyan

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