Friday, June 1, 2012

By Larissa Julie Corky Is just a regular 8th grader. Full of dreams to be popular in high school. but who knew that having her end of the year slumber party would change her life / image completely. I sure didn’t when I first picked up this book. Julie and her three best friends have the opportunity to be somebody in high school and by that I mean sit near the high school fountain but unfortunately all the popularity doesn’t come easy they have to do many things to get the lunch spot in near the fountain. I think this book is a perfect book for girls it is full of adventure and it’s just a really fun book to read. This book is also very funny and it has an AMAZING climax I think some people will really like it.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great book to read. Do you mind if you let me borrow it sometime?
