Friday, June 14, 2013

A Living Nightmare

A Living Nightmare, Darren Shan
Reviewed by Yiannis Papadopoulos  
    When Darren and his friends get tickets for an illegal freak show they thought that their lives would change forever, popularity, friends and all that, they were right.... that their lives would change forever......but what way? Are there lives going to be happy from now one or are they going to meet a deadly surprise?
    Darren Shan is a 12-year-old kid with a secret love of spiders. He has a good family and good friends. Just like any average kid...for now...This book takes place on modern day America. The problem of the book is that Darren is going through a lot of weird situations, and I mean weird, and he doesn't know how to face them.
     I loved this book because it had all this exciting plot and twists that made it so interesting. For example the one time Darren is dead and the other time he alive...
   This book will make you think about how important friendship is and also the need for sacrifice...   

                                      Honorable Mention 
Vampire Assistant : Darren Shan
Tunnels Of Blood : Darren Shan
Vampire Mountain : Darren Shan

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