Friday, June 14, 2013

Children Of The Lamp P.B.Kerr

                           Children Of The Lamp P.B.Kerr
                                        Reviewed by: Akram Babali

Can you imagine living in a world filled of magic!!  Jinns and genies everywhere!!  Having them living with you but you, looking like any average human being. Not knowing whether to trust them or not.  John and Philippa  Gaunt are two average 13 year olds, or at least that’s what they think.  The Gaunts live in a big house in Manhattan, New York.  Until out of nowhere strange things started happening.  The 13 year old twins grew there wisdom teeth overnight.  But if you think this is a coincidence think again.  During john and philippa’s surgery to remove them their uncle Nimrod tells them that they are Genies but not the bad kind, the good.  Nimrod takes the kids to Egypt to train them for the upcoming battle against the two.  And they need to win this battle so the world doesn’t get taken over by the evil jinns.
This book reminds me that there are consequences in life and hardships to come.  It also tells me that everyone has something about themselves that they don’t want anyone to know about.  I really enjoyed this book because it’s about something that would never happen and it’s really fun and gets your brain and imagination starting.  Some examples found in the book are all the mythical creatures and situations. such as having our world taken over by jinns and magic.
Will they win the battle?
Will they save their home, family and world??
What’s going to happen?

Honorable mentions:
1) The Other Side of the Island
2) The Lost Island Of Tamarind
3) The Secrets Of Tamarind                                               

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