Calla Chaiyaruk
June 13, 2013
Book review.

Have you ever felt like there was no hope for you, and wanted to give up your life? That's all Alice thinks and feels every day in the story, Lovely, by Allison Liddelle. In the book, Lovely, Alice is the main character who lives in the present. Alice has all these feelings of no hope and always having to cut herself and commit suicide. The conflict in the story is, well, her life; her abusive father and the fact her own mother won't even stand up for her own daughter.
Alice's character reminds me a bit of myself, and how we both think of our self image and how sometimes we both can be insecure. The author really makes me as a reader think about how Alice feels and how we would feel to be In her shoes. Alice as a character is full of talent,but allows people to only see her in pain, because she doesn't want to let people know how she feels and to burden them.
Honorable mentionsSome girls are, by Courtney Summers
Number the stars, by Lois Lowry
Breaking Dawn, by Stephanie Meyer
Timeless, by Pamela Diana King
This sounds like a really good book! I might read it. You use really good examples of reality. - Li Ping Titterington