Friday, June 14, 2013


Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer
Reviewed by Rebeka K


“ In the dead silence Edward’s soft voice came from behind me.” He was afraid we only had so much time left, the newborns were coming ( new vampires ). They had a huge army and Riley and Victoria were in on it, they were part of this whole army, trying to kill Bella and Edward and his family.
Victoria is using Riley ( a newborn ) just for the army and to kill Bella, Edward and his family. But they get some help from Bella’s best friend Jacob (the werewolf ) he gets his pack for the army, they’re all ready but Bella has some fear inside but also strong enough to stand there and stand up for herself, what will she do when the fight is going to happen? She’s a human.

Honorable Mention:

new moon
breaking dawn pt.1 & 2