Monday, April 11, 2011

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

  The Call of the Wild, by Jack London
Review by Rachel Q. *****
      What would it be like to be taken from your happy life and sold to different masters in the Alaskan wilderness? Buck knows. He is a St. Bernard and was taken from his life with a rich judge and sold as a sled dog to different masters who beat him. He struggles to survive among all of the cruelty and hopelessness. Slowly, he becomes cold and hard. He learns to trust no one. Will Buck ever experience love and loyalty again? Or will he have to face the world all by himself?
       The Call of the Wild is an amazing book. When you read it you feel so bad for Buck and it brings to light how easy we have it in our everyday lives compared to others.  It’s just like when I first heard about what happened in Haiti. Their lives were already hard and now they have to deal with having nothing to feed themselves, no shelter, no warmth. You find yourself always cheering Buck on. This is a really good book that I hope everyone enjoys.

Honorable Mentions:
Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe
The Misadventures of Benjamin Bartholomew Piff, by Jason Lethcoe
The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins


  1. That sounds like an amazing book. I like how how you tell us that he is becoming hard and cold just like his owners. It interests me considering it's from a dog's point of view. Secondly, I think you pulled me in because you told me he gets beaten. I'll have to read this sometime. Overall, great job on this review.

  2. I can't believe that someone would beat a dog! After reading this I really want to read it and see if Buck can trust people again after being beat so much. I wonder though why was Buck taken from the life with the Judge? When I hear that Buck is being beat I can't stop reading because it interests me! So good job!
