Monday, April 11, 2011

The Golden Goblet By Eloise Jarvis McGraw

Review By: Steven D. 
Pages: 247

        Ever got your arm cut off for stealing a loaf of bread? The book The Golden Goblet By Eloise Jarvis McGraw is staring a little boy named Ranofer, black long hair, wearing a cross on his right arm and black eyes, this boys father has passed away and is a laborer for his older brother Gebu, a mean drunk man, who cares only for money and wine, Ranofer does 100s of errands a day for pity table scraps for all this hard work, he constantly gets beaten and abused for no reason, Ranofer lives outside of Gebus house in a dirty courtyard, in the the courtyard is a small incomplete brick house that Ranofer lives in, there is hope for Ranofer, he passes a talented skill that is known in Egypt, this might just change his life, the big idea is Gebu is secretly stealing ingots of gold through wine bottles and Ranofer try's to proves Gebu guilty for tomb robing.

         I really enjoyed the book The Golden Goblet and all its cunning tricks it pulled on me when i was reading it, the master plan behind the book was hard to take in but it was fun going through the book reading about the tales of the missing ingots, the details help me to imagine the scenery and background, overall this was a well done book and i recommend it.


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  2. This was great read it seems. Why did this book interest you? Personally, the topic of child abuse touches my heart deeply thus this book is an emotional explosion to me. All in all this book seems to be filled with adventure, and, a powerful plot. Lastly the part that reels me in is where you mention "cunning tricks", I really feel this could be a once in a life time book.

  3. This is a very good review. You did a very good job describing what the book is like and you made me want to read it. It also seems almost unfair for this young man because he worked so hard and nobody cared. He was still abused and beaten.
