Monday, April 11, 2011

In Your Room - By, Jordanna Fraiberg

Soleen G.
April 11, 2011
Class Red
Book Review For In Your Room

A boy. A girl. And a room. What usually happens inside? In Your Room is a story of a teenage boy and girl who swap rooms for an entire summer. Though they haven't ever met each other face to face, they seem to know so much about each other. But how? By getting a chance to live in each others houses they grow closer and closer together even though they are living miles apart. Is it even a relationship when you haven't even met the guy that you think you love? In Your Room will surprise you in many way, both positive and negative. This is a great book because many people will be able to relate to the issues that these two teenagers are facing in their relationship. This book really reminds me of all of all the romance movies I have seen, especially 'Love Happens' because, like In Your Room, the movie isn't predicable at all and you will truly be surprised. Also, it is a great romance novel just like 'Love Happens' was a great romance movie. In Your Room is a really surprising and thrilling book that is packed with everything  that usually happens in a relationship; jealousy in friends, cheating, and much more. And even once you've read it cover to cover you won't get enough.


  1. After I read this book review, it made me really wanna read the book. I have a question. Why didn't you mention the boy and girls names in the story? Overall I thought this book review was very well written.

  2. I really like your hook and the way you stated everything. You asked a lot of rhetorical questions that makes the reader wonder, and really want to grab your book and read it.

  3. I really liked the way you started your response. I was kind of worried when you said:"A boy. A girl. And a room. What usually happens inside?"Then as I kept reading your response I realized that this boy and girl swapped rooms, and it eventually turned into love. This is definitely my kind of book. I am really interested to find out what made them start to like each other.
    The next time I go to the library I will be sure to look for the book "In Your Room."
    Great Job!
    <3 Sofia

  4. I really liked the way you started your response. I was kind of worried when you said:"A boy. A girl. And a room. What usually happens inside?"Then as I kept reading your response I realized that this boy and girl swapped rooms, and it eventually turned into love. This is definitely my kind of book. I am really interested to find out what made them start to like each other.
    The next time I go to the library I will be sure to look for the book "In Your Room."
    Great Job!
    <3 Sofia

  5. I really liked the way you started your response. I was kind of worried when you said:"A boy. A girl. And a room. What usually happens inside?"Then as I kept reading your response I realized that this boy and girl swapped rooms, and it eventually turned into love. This is definitely my kind of book. I am really interested to find out what made them start to like each other.
    The next time I go to the library I will be sure to look for the book "In Your Room."
    Great Job!
    <3 Sofia

  6. Soleen, this was a very good book response. I like your lead. Your story makes me want to read the book. I wouldn’t want someone to be in my room for a whole summer. I wouldn’t like that because I wouldn’t know the person, the person would basically be a stranger to me. This book review sort of reminds me of romantic movies also. I like books that are filled with surprises. I really like your concluding sentence. It makes me want to read the story even more! Very nice job it shows that you put a lot of effort into it!

  7. i really enjoyed reading your review of In Your Room. I cant imagine how confusing this must have been to read two different peoples point of view at once.I liked how you described the book. Your review made me want to go to the library and find that book.
